Thai Iced Tea (Thai Tea) (2024)

Please decipher from ye3 and just do it and this flee (desert) and desert and rescue me and bravo and slap and spit and Yuk and police and hidden camera or camera and trike and tricycle and mumble and haw haw and titter and giggle and happy ending and sigaro and smoking and hafez,…that as before some of my current fellow citizens have acted them in front of me in alley and street by their words exhibition on their t-shirts or by their mimicries and body languages,…even in my latest going out from home too.
Of course frequently I’ve presented my association of ideas on them in my past emails,…symbolically and surrealistically.
So, in order to shun from prolonging of speech I don’t repeat all of them again.
But some of them that must be decoded again are as under:

As before on some of my current fellow citizens t-shirts has been written this weird word.
In here desert hint to alley and street,….are as dread desert!
Desert hint to person or persons that desert from a dangerous district!
Desert allude to Karbala desert (slaughterhouse) and cufa people (disloyal and dastard and heartless,… persons symbol with moral rascalities collection)
They are tantalizing me,…?
Other things that I don’t know?

After this, which of persons,….are these groups of people purposes?
Alley and street people and my current fellow citizens
A girl that wants to wed me as my future first wife and her familiars and fans and doppelgangers
Our long term testers (torturers)
My fans and doublegangers and I
Our foes
Other things that I don’t know on them?
Please decode from desert for me!

2-This Desert or this flees!
As before some of my current fellow citizens fishy or non-fishy persons from junior secondary school students to aged persons mysterious habitual phrases revolve on this odd phrase in front of me in alley and street,…and previously in my past polluted workplace (commerce ministry),…it was some of my clients and especially coworkers coded word one another as well!
In here this desert or flee mean:
A girl that wants to wed me as my future first wife and her familiars and fans flee from time custom (satanic or non-satanic)
My fans and I will run away from time dreadful and demonic darkness and disasters and diseases and deceits and deaths and we close demonic death angel and azrael dirty hands from their back!
Our cons will desert from time custom
Other things that I don’t know!
It seems anywhere from schools and universities to workplaces and alley and street,….are as misfortune moats and mafia gangs and satanic sects and neo-Nazi forces and man eaters haunts and alike that translate to god territories wrongly too that only so blockbuster persons that all of world are their scapegoats and supporters can be saved and safeguarded them from time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks and tragedies,… successfully.
Of course the latest association of ideas can return to me and alike as well. Not to my sworn foes and mafia gangs and Satanist sects as miseries moats and time calamities and conspiracies creators that must have to pay large indemnities and damages due to their long term multifarious honorific felonies alike serial killings and propagation engineered disasters and diseases and discriminations,…at all.

3- Rescue me!
Why some of social strata from radio announcers to some of alley and street people enigmatic habitual phrase revolve on rescue me phrase too?
Which of persons must be saved and why?
Their narrators or a girl that want to wed me as my future first wife and her familiars and fans or my fans and I or our foes?
If these groups of people addressers be my fans and I, it reach that Satanist sects and mafia gangs as different diseases and disasters and deaths creators and performers have cancerous growths anywhere and they can put anybody to death surreptitiously such a way that water doesn’t move from water too.
Because they occupy anywhere and they play deity and demon roles that are so called closer than neck vessel to anybody as well.
Anyway please decode from rescue me too.


As before on some of my current fellow citizens t-shirts,…has been written this phrase too.
In here ye3 mean:
All of my assertions on different domains from long lasting demonology origins to my marriage glad tidings verity and from my claims on long term time tyrannies and tartarus and tribulations and tests and traumas and tragedies to my profound analyses on Iran and world conditions and my association of ideas from different groups of people mimicries and body languages and real inwards and intentions,…are truth!
Only after 3 calamitous phases, my marriage or abroad migration, especially my marriage, is feasible
Other things that I don’t now?
Despite rehash, Please decode from ye3 too.

5- trike or tricycle!
In here they refer to an Iranian proverb based on:
Till don’t become 3, don’t game over! And or nope?
Please decode from them that as before some of my current fellow citizens from kids ridding on their trike to our young scavenger guys and garbage men that clean alley and street from garbage or scavenge sellable unused goods from public bins want to instill me,…that only and only after 3 disastrous phases my marriage,…are feasible or not?

Please decipher from trike and tricycle too.

6-Yuk and haw haw!

As before some of TV and especially radio broadcasters and some of alley and street people deliberately yuk and laugh with so loud voices (haw haw) in front of me or amid their performances especially in radio studios on air or in alley and street as pedestrian or shopkeeper,…!
They yuk,…as if either I or a girl that wanted to wed me as my future first wife and her familiars or one of or all of us fans or foes and doppelgangers were as gigantic giants. And that is why as before some people from TV and especially radio announcers and audiences to alley and street people are burst by laughter and cachinnate weirdly.
Perhaps they want to say that my metamorphosed brother insipid maniacally and stressfully and desperately,… hee haw and haw haw and monkey business into home or in alley and street,…cause to different groups of people from TV and especially radio announcers to alley and street people,…be burst with laughter and cachinnate in front of me,… in alley and street or amid in their performance in TV and especially radio studios on air,… as well.
Please decode from yuk and haw haw too.

7-Saliva or fie!
As before why some of my sly or silly fellow citizens salivate and spit and or say fie in front of me in alley and street,…?
They salivate because they’re noticed that they cave in versus me and they can’t spoil and screw and deceive and upset me!
They salivate because they’re caved in, in front of me and they can’t hinder from nymphet girls wedding with me
As They’re trounced in front of me, then with their fie and spits and saliva,…they project crazily!
As I’m a very frank guy that deciphers from bad or good events and enlighten others from double ignorance and prevent from evil-hearted persons pranks and projections and misuse from these critical conditions, then they salivate and spit sad*stically and sillily!
As I like my favorite pretty and passionate and pleasant,…preteen and teen girls as my future partners and cohabitants and concubine lovers in order to sex and cohabitate and married life with them, then some of jealous persons are inflamed innately and show their jealousy and naughtiness and impudence and impoliteness,… with these weird ways before now too!
As I merely want to date and marry and sex and cohabitate with those groups of girls that have maximal overlaps with my favorite trinity marriage standards, then they are inflamed inherently and then show their inappropriate reactions through their so bad fie or saliva,…too.
They hate from my favorite lifestyle and thinking system and from my proper prime priority and plan and pressing need,…and then they go nuts and show their madly responses by these very improper ways nauseously.
As a matter of fact, They drum up to hear the wall and their addressers are mafia gangs and Satanist sects as miseries moats and man eaters and different disasters and diseases and deaths creators and performers,….but conversely they salivate in front of me that I’m mafia gangs and Satanist sects sworn foe even so more than them and frequently I decipher from Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators long term felonies too.
Other things that I don’t know?
In any case, please warn and alert to these groups of impolite and impudent and ignorant,…people that they not to repeat these improper impolitely and impudently behaviors and mimicries and mockeries in front of me henceforth at all. Even these groups of people be my fans innately and their addressers be my sworn foes and Satanist sects and calamities and conspiracies creators too.
Meantime if they mimic and mock and make a scene and act in front of me inappropriately again, according to karma laws not only these groups of people will be shocked and spoiled and screwed and upset automatically and unavoidably but also my future wives,…must have to pay large indemnities and damages for the sake of these fishy and fool and flagrant,… persons mimicries and mockeries,…too and all of different groups of people mimicries and madness and mulishness and malices backfire to my future partners and children,…soon or late severely and spontaneously too.

As before on some of people t-shirts,… has been written police word or some of police cars are appeared in front of me in alley and street deliberately or some of secret personal cloth policemen are appeared in front of me in alley and street and stores,…!
In here do police play bad or good character roles?
In here, police neutralize Satanist sects and mafia gangs that play deity and demon roles and their nasty plots and sinister schemes and calamitous intentions from us,…!
Not, vice versa, police is one of mafia gangs and Satanist sects and miseries moats that stimulate and seduce and train and brainwash different groups of people in backdrops in order to spoil and screw and upset me and prevent from my proper marriage or abroad migration performance properly too?
Please decode from police too.

9-Hurrah or bravo or marhaba!
These words are on some of my fellow citizens,… stuffs and t-shirts,…or as before from time to time they applaud or yell in front of me in alley and street and in our neighborhood ,…!
It seems as before they want to say me that my very informative and decipherer surrealistic and symbolic tasks and talks in different domains are so adorable and applaudable.
That is why as before some of my current fellow citizens or radio,…announcers say hurrah and bravo or they applaud collectively in front of me or amid their performance in radio,…studios.
Why? Because I save them from double ignorance and time oppression and tricks too! And I hinder from their misunderstandings and misrepresentations and misinterpretations continuity too.
Maybe these groups of people want to extol me for the sake of my long term job patience and forbearance and fortitude and self-control and restraining of anger and largess and generosity and lack of rightful revengefully actions or since as before I feed and curry and tolerate my very intolerable and infuriated and metamorphosed and mulish and concoction-hit and sadomasoch*st and schizophrenic and spoiled and silly and selfish and lunatic and disaster-stricken and dejected and distressful and boorish and bleak and blah,…brother by myself that as before his toleration is as Herculean task that need to huge munificence and mortification and self-control and restraining of anger,…then some of people extol me from this angle as well. And then they use hurrah and bravo,…words or applaud for me too.
Please decode from hurrah and bravo and applaud,…too!

10-Happy ending!
Recently on one of my current fellow citizens preteen girls t-shirt had been written:
Happy ending!

In here happy ending hint to my favorite series that I watch them are happy ending!
She wanted to say that I’d happy ending and soon or late most beautiful and freethinker,…girls would wed me?
Of course I hope that all of my future pleasant and pretty and passionate,…partners and cohabitants,…be about mentioned preteen girl the same age to my erotic life and married life pleasure with them be numerous!
Because best groups of gorgeous girls from age aspect for me as my future partners and cohabitants and concubine ladyloves,… are preteen and teen in turn!
Because lovemaking with these groups of girls is so pleasurable that exhilarate and ecstasize and eroticize and intoxicate me spontaneously!
That is why as before I severely stress that all of my future passionate and pretty,…partners and cohabitants,…must be preteen and teen in turn to my sexual intercourse and cohabitation and companionship,…pleasure with them become multiple!
Stay that again I severely stress that my love Lolita character in Lolita movie whether in its Russian version or in its American, British version in their age of under 15((namely at their age of 12 or 13 or 14)) are best groups of gorgeous girls from age and appearance and lifestyle,…stances in order to crush and sex and cohabitation and companionship and married life,…with me forever and I wish all of my future partners and cohabitants were my love Lolita doppelgangers to I will become sunk back into voluptuosity with them and as a result of extreme eroticism with them, I will become frantic with joy forever.
Please decode from happy ending phrase too.

As before from time to time some of alley and street people and TV and especially radio announcers,…in front of me or amid their performances in TV and especially radio studios say one another mysteriously and metaphorically:
In this place has been put camera,…!
They say as if they wanted to give forewarning one another in advance that if they play the devil in order to upset and spoil and screw and ruin me all of their malices and mulishness and madness would be observed with hidden cameras in alley and street,…and finally backfire to themselves not to me and alike and in here camera play deity role that according to karma laws people bad or good tasks recoil to themselves right similar boomerangs not to their targets at all.
Please decode from camera too.

12- Knife!
As before some of different social strata from TV and particularly radio announcers to alley and street people,…emboss knife word in front of me in alley and street,…one another mysteriously and metaphorically or amid their performances in TV and especially radio studios,… deliberately as if they wanted to assimilate my future first probable wife with zanjan(Iran knife production center traditionally)knife that her doppelgangers and fans stab any evil-hearted person that want to upset and screw and spoil and ruin me everywhere automatically and eternally.
And they want to assimilate her with zanjan main gift (knife)!
In here zanjan not only is one of Iran western north cities that its main gift is knife but also it synonymize with dear wife too.
In here dear wife can be alluded to a girl that want to become my future first wife too.

13- sigaro!

Again in one of our town fellow citizens personal automobiles windows had been written:
In here, who is symbolized sigaro from that car owner and his/her back of scene stimulators stances?
My doublegangers and fans and I or my future first probable wife and her familiars and fans and doppelgangers or other persons or it is a deviational word?
Please notice that sigaro was one of miki koman cartoon central characters that was Japan great governor especial commissioner that had limitless power in order to save the oppressed from different districts local oppressor governors and that is why all of oppressed people extol him extremely as well.
It seems as if my future first probable partner or I ,…or our,…bodyguards and fans were sigaro doublegangers that cause that astray or malignant persons couldn’t spoil and screw and upset and ruin,…us,…in alley and street,… too!
In any case, please decode from sigaro too!

14- Smoking!

As before some of my current nubile young female fellow citizens smoke cigarette in front of me in alley and street such a way that as if they wanted to say:
I merely monopolize myself to face to face sexual intercourse (vagin*l sex) with my future virgin partners and cohabitants and concubine lovers and instead deprive myself from other sex so pleasurable techniques, because my future partners like only these kinds of sex ways merely!
Of course I oppose them and rather as much as I can I will diversify my lovemaking ways with my future passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen partners and cohabitants,…even hotter than p*rn stars as well!
They want to make my future first nymphet,…probable wife sexual intercourse with me association of ideas in advance!
They want to say that some of my current female fellow citizens are alike other males smokers too. Namely they fabricate facts and misrepresent and misinterpret and misreport on me and their claims on me,…are double bluffs and mere lies!
They want to imitate from my metamorphosed brother. Because in recent years he has smoked cigarette weirdly ever since as well.

As before some of social strata with TV and specially radio broadcasting centralities zone on Hafez word in front of me or in the middle of their performances in radio and TV broadcasting as if they’ve wanted to assimilate either my future first probable wife or I or our pros or cons with hafez!
In here Hafez is symbolized god-like parsons that have been immunized from time tyrannies and tricks and tribulations and tragedies too!

Please decode from Hafez too!

After this, all of my above-mentioned matters reach that mafia bands and top secret sects have god-like powers and in practice they play deity and demon roles anywhere and they govern alley and street,….in practice as before as well.
That these multifarious mafia bands are satanic in nature or they play time robin hud and Zorro roles, I can’t present any deceive opinion as before and I stretch my hand toward you to with our interactive informative and inspiring interrelationships and interchange of views and collaborations we can decode from them so easier henceforward!

Please apprise my intuition and insight and association of ideas and six sense and mind reading and cognition,… abilities in different domains from different groups of people mysterious mimicries and body languages and cants and slangs and jargons,… decoding to long term time oppression and calamities and conspiracies creators and performers and from my symbolic and surrealistic stances on my future first probable partner qualities to national and international events know how,… and then apprize me hereafter!

Altogether, keeping in mind so criminal long term time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks and tribulations and tardiness and traumas and tragedies that never become forgivable and forgettable and reparable too, it expect that everybody give up evil deeds and thoughts and without one moment hiatus and hesitation either I quit my calamitous country idealistically or a very marvelous girl from looks and character that has maximal adaptation with my favorite trine marriage standards, wed me erotically and eagerly just according to my dos and don’ts in so superb circ*mstances in shortest time span by all means!
Because my prime priority and plan and pressing need revolve on one of these two non-alternative options fulfillment idealistically and pleasurably and immediately.

It is too terribly and tormentingly and troublesomely and traumatically and tragically late too.
Stay that Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators have lagged and lengthened their trends jealously and criminally and calamitously and sad*stically and satanically so far and as before they’ve criminal minds and calamitous intentions and nasty plots and sinister schemes,…on us,…and as much as they can they conspire against me in different places and harass and confuse and anger and anguish and entangle and exhaust me and embroil us and they adopt methods and policies that different groups of people attribute long term too terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks and tribulations and tests and traumas and tragedies origins to world sufferings and sorrows and customs and or Hong Kong tea ceremony consequences and or theology and or end of the world misfortunes and alike inappropriately as well.
And as before different social strata with radio and TV broadcasting centralities believe on my future nymphet and nympho and nice ,…first probable wife wedding with me liken to Iran revolution recreation and Iran last kingdom dynasty frustration and Iran last king desertion from Iran and Tehran metropolis milad tower birth and doomsday emergence as well!
And some of them say symbolically as if my future first belle,…wife wedding with me were as end of the world kind festivity too.
Please prove their multifarious claims, that betweenwhiles are completely contradictory too, verity and or untruth and after their screening and purification, report me in detail subsequently.

So severe forewarning:
In spite of rehash, I repeat to some of my marriage or abroad migration trends postponement and prolongation huge hazardous and horrendous aftermath as follows:
1-To increase different groups of people double bluffs and double ignorance and diabolism and mulishness and madness and metamorphosis and malices and misuses and misinterpretations and misrepresentations,…!
2-To kill my times!
3-To harass and confuse and anger and agitate and anguish and excruciate and exhaust and entangle me!
4-To embroil us!
5-To increase my familiars and fans casualties statistics whether before or after my future consecutive marriages and cohabitation,…!
6-To eternalize my fans and I very rightful revenge flames and animosities and abhorrence and antipathies and aversions!
7-To endanger my future wives and cohabitants and children,…longevity and increase their punishments intensities likelihood even in form of their dismemberance and decollation and decapitation appropriately and automatically and unavoidably!
8-To metamorphose a lot of persons with my future partners pivot to personified Satan and serial killers and source of sedition and silent terrors and silent massacres and so sad*st sh*t and sc*ms spontaneously!
10-To activate blood sea mechanism everywhere!
11-And a lot of other hideous and horrid events creation!

In conclusion, under these circ*mstances and chronic crucial conditions to speed up merely and merely my marriage or migration to overseas trends just according to my shoulders and shoulders and guidelines and guide directions aren’t volitionally options at all. Conversely, they are completely compulsorily and they’re as due obligations that without one moment deliberately delay only and only one of them must take place properly by all means!

I’ve hugely hastiness and my huge hastiness are so rightful and appropriate as well!
Please take into account long term terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and tests and tribulations and tricks and traumas and tragedies and then entitle me totally.
Because as before I’m in the right completely!

Central questions:
1- As before who train and stimulate and seduce and brainwash,…different groups of people from familiars to strangers and from radio and TV announcers to alley and street people and from ordinary people to elite strata,… in back of scene and why as before I suppose that some of them are so sneaky and suspicious and dreadful and dangerous and demonic and some of them want to spoil and screw and upset me and compel me to wars of nerves and wars of attrition and why I suppose that some of them collaborate and coordinate one another and even they attend to do self harm in order to hinder from my marriage with nymphet,…girls or make my marriage trend too tormentor and time-intensive and traumatic and tragic and costly and confusing and calamitous and seditious and increase my familiars and fans sacrifices numbers by medical and non-medical felonies satanically and skillfully too?
Please say me which of them are my(and my familiars and fans) real pros and cons inwardly?
And which of them are brainwashed by Satanist sects and which of them are Satanist sects members and imitators and they’re Satanist structurally too?
Why as before most of them, especially strangers mock and mimic and make a scene and act and which of them pretend Socratic irony too?
Please specify my real pros and cons and show their real insides me henceforth!
2- Why as before I smell danger and I sense racism and fascism and different forms of apartheids and Satanism very bad smell from different districts?
3- as before who have turned and why have been turned everywhere to football stadiums and boxing rings and wrestling saloons and miseries moats and hellish labs and hell black holes and cannibalism centers and rattraps and ahmadi physician clinics and neo-Nazi forces haunts and Satanist sects meeting places and war fronts and mine fields and fighters fight fields and teahouses,…?
I hope that I mistake markedly and aforesaid hateful and heinous and hideous things be false in full!

Key point:
In spite of rehash, again attract your attention to following epoch-making matter:
Iran main historical foes have been monarchism and medievalism as two permanent Satanism pivot in turn!
Why in turn?
Because monarchism has been medievalism creator in length of history in order to eternalize their despotic monarchy systems and suppress other movements mercilessly!
Yea! Monarchism has been cause and root and medievalism has been effect and branch in Iran history length!
And world society historical enemies have been racism and fascism and monopolism and different forms of apartheid–oriented systems and alike that all of them are satanic inherently as before as well!
Stay that national and international enemies never have been as separated units.
Instead both of them have had interactions and ominous cooperation and coordination in history length one another ever since!
Therefore from my standpoint both of them must be exterminated and eradicated simultaneously and not separately at all!

Remarkable requisition:
As before I extremely request from you dear reader that you say me which of Satanist sects with Iranian nationality and foreigner originality (in turn) have been too long term((even how often with 100 years old oldness))time dreadful and demonic and destructive darkness and disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations and a lot of other multifarious felonies creators and executors and conversely which of mafia bands and top secret sects,…have been long term time oppression and calamities and conspiracies,… repulsive and antidotes so far?
I hereby beg to inform you that as far as I remind unfortunately with passage of times especially from after Iran revolution occurrence, satanic and engineered disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits,…have enhanced in my homeland and especially on my familiars with my martyr parents pivot gradually and increasingly. And all of my bad recollections have occurred from after Iran revolution occurrence too.
Of course it may that as I was so child in Iran pre-revolution epochs, my information on it be so insufficient strikingly too.
Stay that as before some of social strata from mass media and radio and TV broadcasting to ordinary people assert that most of Iran post revolution calamities and conspiracies central culprits and criminals have been Pahlavi dynasty, Iran last collapse kingdom dynasty, and they condemn Iran last kingdom dynasty as main felon in national field and in international sphere they hint to Hong Kong tea ceremony consequences and world sufferings and sorrows and customs and system too.
Since as before a lot of complete contradictory analyses are presented on long term time tyrannies and tricks and traumas and tribulations and tragedies origins, then I humbly demand that you prove all of their contradictory claims verity and or untruth and after their screening and purification, please decipher from them fairly and fully and report me in detail subsequently!
Anyway, please decode them for us too!
Because it is as an epoch–making and historical task with hugely positive permanent consequences and achievements too!
And if we decode from them comprehensively, how often historical vicious circles will not repeat with these dreadful dimensions afterward and a lot of persons from familiars to strangers will be rescued from time oppression and calamities and conspiracies and customs spontaneously too.

Thai Iced Tea (Thai Tea) (2024)


Why is Thai iced tea so good? ›

Thai tea is iced black tea with milk and spices. It has a unique flavor profile that's distinct from other teas: pleasant and earthy, enjoyed for its rich, sweet taste. Since black tea contains strong groups of polyphenols with disease-fighting potential, Thai tea may offer some health advantages.

What does cha nom yen mean? ›

ชาเย็น (Chayen) and ชานมเย็น (Chanomyen) both mean the Thai milk tea.

What is Thai iced tea made of? ›

Thai Tea is is made from strongly-brewed black tea, often spiced with ingredients such as star anise, crushed tamarind, cardamom, and occasionally others as well (often making this beverage a favorite among masala chai tea fans). This brew is then sweetened with sugar and sweetened condensed milk, and served over ice.

Is Thai tea healthy? ›

Like many forms of herbal tea, Thai tea is rich in antioxidants that can help you maintain a healthy immune system. Studies have shown that Thai tea has similar levels of antioxidants as green tea and other herbal teas popularized specifically for their anti-inflammatory benefits.

Is Thai tea high in caffeine? ›

Furthermore, to make Thai iced tea, the leaves are steeped longer, for a stronger cup - this can also impact the level of caffeine in your cup. So, a great Thai tea could contain anywhere from 20-60 mg of caffeine, depending on how it is prepared. Whole, condensed, or evaporated milk won't add any caffeine.

What does sou ja nai mean? ›

-ja nai -じゃない is the negative form of -da -だ (verb to be) Examples of phrases: Sou-da そうだ = that's it. Sou-ja nai そうじゃない = that's not it.

What does Nan Dai Yo mean? ›

So let's take a look at what “Nandayo” means in Japanese. As a stand-alone expression “Nandayo” (何だよ) means “What?”, “What the heck”, or “What the hell” and is used to show surprise, dismay, or annoyance in Japanese.

What does ni chi mean in Japanese? ›

Prefix: 日 (nichi) Meaning: Sun or day.

Is Thai iced tea like Boba? ›

Thai Iced Tea is commonly sold from street and market stalls in Thailand and is made with three simple ingredients - tea, sugar and your cream of choice. Want to turn your Thai Tea into Bubble Tea or Boba Tea? Just add tapioca pearls!

Who invented Thai tea? ›

It's unclear, exactly, when Thai tea (known in Thailand as Cha Yen) — a mixture of black tea, condensed milk, and sometimes ice — was invented, though many suspect it was a lingering influence from Field Marshal Pibul Songkram, a Thai leader with a penchant for western culture (hence the ice and milk).

Do Thai people drink Thai iced tea? ›

Thailand has one famous (non-alcoholic) drink, and this is it: Thai iced tea. The orange coloured sweet concoction is so good it feels like it should be dessert. A lot of times I find restaurants make it too sweet, so I actually prefer making my own so I can make it exactly how I want it.

What is a fun fact about Thai tea? ›

Thai Iced Tea is known in Thailand as Cha Yen meaning "cold tea". Thai Iced Tea is commonly used to counterbalance spicy foods used in Thai cuisine and is served with food, but also on its own! Since the climate is hot in Thailand, the use of sweetened condensed milk is popular because it doesn't require refrigeration.

Is boba healthy? ›

A Quick Review. Boba tea is generally safe to drink, but you'll want to enjoy it in moderation. The beverage is usually high in sugar and calories and contains an additive that might lead to constipation. Drinking too much boba tea may increase your risk of diabetes and obesity.

Why does Thai tea taste so good? ›

Thai tea boba, also known as Thai iced tea with boba, is a strong and sweet black tea that is often infused with spices like star anime or cardamon, providing a distinct and aromatic flavor profile. The addition of milk brings creaminess to the tea and tapioca pearls (boba) contribute to the chewy texture.

What is the difference between Thai iced tea and regular iced tea? ›

In Thailand, the tea is made milky and sweet by the addition of sugar, sweetened condensed milk, and evaporated milk. Sometimes, non-dairy creamer (like Coffeemate) is also added. Right: Thai style Thai tea uses condensed milk in the tea with evaporated milk on top.

Does Thai iced tea give you energy? ›

Drinking the best black tea with milk could give you an energy boost. Black tea contains caffeine, which is a stimulant, as well as theophylline. Both can help boost your heart rate and help you feel alert. In addition to helping you feel alert, Thai tea can also boost your metabolism.

Do people in Thailand drink Thai iced tea? ›

Thai Iced Tea is commonly used to counterbalance spicy foods used in Thai cuisine and is served with food, but also on its own! Since the climate is hot in Thailand, the use of sweetened condensed milk is popular because it doesn't require refrigeration.

Why is Thai iced coffee so strong? ›

Is Thai Iced Coffee Strong? Thai iced coffee begins with very strong coffee. The sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk or cream help to tone it down a bit, but it does have strong coffee flavor. Thai iced coffee also tends to be very sweet, which offsets the intensity of the coffee.


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.