RSUs: The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire?‍ (2024)

Picture this: It's 2004, and you've just accepted a position at an up-and-coming tech company named Google. Along with your salary, your job offer includes something called Restricted Stock Units (RSUs). You're not entirely sure what they are, but you accept them anyway. Fast forward to today, and those once-obscure RSUs have not only vested but transformed you into a millionaire. That's right, a millionaire—all because you made a wise decision to embrace a form of compensation you knew little about at the time.

In a world where financial stability often seems like a lofty dream, RSUs offer a concrete path to potentially incredible wealth. As you mull over your next career move or pore through a new job offer, remember that these magical letters—RSUs—might just be your golden ticket to financial freedom.

Now that we have you intrigued, continue reading as we delve into the transformative power of RSUs and how they could change your financial future forever.

What Are RSUs?

So, what are RSUs? Let's start simple. Restricted Stock Units are a form of equity compensation that companies offer to their employees. Unlike salary, which is cash paid out to you, RSUs are essentially company shares that are "restricted" until they "vest" over a predetermined period. Once vested, these units convert into actual company shares that you can sell, hold, or transfer.

You might think of RSUs as a promise. Your employer promises to give you shares in the future, often as a way to keep you engaged and motivated. Because RSUs vest over time—commonly over a 4-year vesting period—they act as golden handcuffs, encouraging you to stay with the company long-term.

Can RSUs Actually Make Me Rich?

You might be skeptical. A share of a company sounds nice, but can RSUs really make you rich? The short answer is yes, they can. But let's dig into the complexities of why and how.

1. The Power of Company Performance

RSUs are tied directly to the health and performance of your company. If the company succeeds, the value of your RSUs soars. Conversely, if the company hits a rough patch, your RSUs might not be as valuable.

Let’s take Google as an example again. In 2004, a share of Google was around $50. Today, it's worth considerably more. If you had stayed with the company and held on to your RSUs, you’d be sitting on a small fortune.

2. Timing Matters

When you join a company can make a significant difference. Early employees at startups may receive RSUs at a low valuation, increasing the chances of a huge upside. Even if you join a mature company with a higher valuation, strong, consistent growth can still make your RSUs highly valuable over time.

3. Strategic Vesting and Selling

Vesting periods often stretch over four years, with a one-year cliff. This means you need to stick around for at least a year to get any shares at all. The strategy you employ in selling or holding your vested shares can also influence your wealth accumulation. Some people prefer to sell immediately and diversify their investments, while others might hold, betting on the company's long-term growth.

4. The Multiplier Effect

Even if your RSUs start off small, their worth can multiply over time with company growth and additional stock grants. Your initial grant is often not a one-time event; many companies offer additional grants as part of performance reviews or promotions.

5. The Tax Implications

Remember, RSUs come with tax liabilities since they are considered income. Intelligent tax planning can help you maximize your gains and minimize your tax burden. Tax-efficient strategies might include holding onto vested shares for a specific period to qualify for lower capital gains tax rates.

6. Leveraging Additional Compensation

RSUs aren't usually standalone; they're part of a broader compensation package that may include a salary, bonuses, and other perks. If managed correctly, your overall compensation package, which supplements your RSUs, can contribute to your journey toward becoming a millionaire.

So, can RSUs make you rich? Yes, they can, but they're not a guaranteed path to wealth. They're a financial tool, and like any tool, their effectiveness depends on how well you use them. When combined with strategic planning, good timing, and a bit of luck, RSUs have the potential to transform your financial outlook dramatically.

How to Calculate My RSU Percentage Investment?

To understand how much you could potentially earn, you need to get savvy with numbers. Look at your offer letter and note how many RSUs are offered and the vesting schedule. Divide the number of RSUs by the total number of outstanding shares in the company. This gives you your ownership percentage. While it might seem minuscule at first, remember that even a small slice of a large pie can be substantial.

What Could Help Increase the Value of My RSUs?

One of the most straightforward factors affecting the value of your RSUs is the overall growth of your company. The better your company performs, the higher its stock price, and consequently, the more your RSUs are worth. This might seem obvious, but it's worth stating: aligning yourself with a successful, growing company has direct benefits for your long-term financial stability.

Beyond your company's success, broader market trends can also significantly influence the value of your RSUs. Economic indicators like GDP growth, market demand, and consumer sentiment can push your company's stock price—and your RSUs—either sky-high or down into the doldrums. It's essential to keep an eye on these macroeconomic factors and adjust your financial planning accordingly.

Another element to consider is the impact of mergers or acquisitions on your RSUs. If your company is acquired or merges with another, the valuation of your shares could skyrocket overnight. These corporate events often result in a bump in stock prices, at least temporarily, giving you the opportunity for substantial gains if timed correctly.

Interestingly, the value of your RSUs isn't just influenced by external factors; your performance within the company can also make a difference. By contributing to projects that lead to company growth or saving costs, you indirectly increase the value of your RSUs. This is the compounding effect of hard work and smart equity choices.

Lastly, stock splits could potentially multiply the number of your RSUs. Though a stock split doesn't directly increase the total value of your holdings, it can make the stock more attractive to small investors, thereby driving up demand and possibly increasing the stock's price over time.

Understanding these factors isn't just academic; it's a strategic necessity. Being aware of what can lift the value of your RSUs helps you make informed decisions about your financial future. Whether you decide to hold onto your vested shares, sell them, or diversify your investments, the more information you have, the better choices you'll make.

Do Tech Employees Become Millionaires through RSUs?

Let's get specific. In the tech industry, stories abound of employees who've hit the millionaire jackpot, thanks to RSUs. With the meteoric rise of tech giants and startups, RSUs have become the darling of equity compensation.

Companies like Google, Apple, and Tesla have created countless millionaires from employees who joined in the early days or even later but were smart about managing and investing their RSUs.

Companies Whose Employees Have Turned Into Millionaires, Thanks to RSUs

One of the most convincing ways to demonstrate the potential of RSUs is by taking a closer look at companies that have successfully turned their employees into millionaires through this form of equity compensation.

1. Google

The story of Google is almost mythical at this point. Employees who received RSUs before its 2004 IPO or even in the years immediately following have seen phenomenal growth in their equity. The company's innovative culture and dominance in the tech world have resulted in a stock price that has soared exponentially. Employees who wisely held onto their RSUs have become millionaires many times over, reaping the benefits of Google's overwhelming success.

2. Amazon

Another giant that has changed the financial fate of its employees is Amazon. The company granted RSUs as part of its compensation packages for various roles, not just upper-level management. As Amazon grew from an online bookstore into an e-commerce and cloud computing behemoth, those RSUs appreciated significantly in value. Employees who stayed with the company and invested wisely are now in an enviable financial position.

3. Facebook

Facebook offers another remarkable case. Before its 2012 IPO, Facebook offered RSUs to its employees, and after it went public, the stock value rose dramatically. Early team members, and even those who joined just before the IPO, found themselves in possession of an extremely valuable asset. Many converted their RSUs into a stockpile of wealth that catapulted them into the millionaire—and for some, billionaire—brackets.

4. Airbnb

Airbnb shook up the hospitality industry and, in the process, enriched its employees. Prior to its 2020 IPO, Airbnb provided RSUs as a part of its employee compensation. Once the company went public, the stock price soared, and those who had held onto their RSUs were greeted with a pleasant surprise. The stock’s appreciation turned a number of ordinary employees into millionaires virtually overnight.

These are not just isolated instances or stroke-of-luck occurrences. They are a testament to a new kind of economy where anyone, regardless of their starting position, has a shot at becoming a millionaire.

The common thread in all these stories is the foresight and risk these employees took by investing in their companies through RSUs. It's a vivid reminder that the company you choose to work for and the compensation package you negotiate can have life-altering implications.

How Can I Maximize My RSU Gains?

Now that you're convinced RSUs hold transformative potential, you must be wondering, "How can I make the most out of them?" Maximizing your RSU gains involves a blend of smart decision-making, timing, and calculated risk-taking.

1. Understand Your Vesting Schedule

First and foremost, familiarize yourself with your RSU vesting schedule. Typically, RSUs come with a 4-year vesting schedule with a 1-year cliff, meaning you need to stay with the company for at least a year to benefit. Knowing your vesting milestones will allow you to plan your finances and career trajectory more effectively.

2. Strategic Selling or Holding

Once your RSUs vest, you have the choice to sell immediately or hold onto them, banking on future growth. The best strategy depends on your risk tolerance, financial goals, and faith in the company's future prospects. Some prefer the safer route of selling vested shares immediately to lock in gains and avoid potential downturns. Others may choose to hold, anticipating the long-term growth of the company and thus a more significant payout down the line.

3. Diversify Your Portfolio

One of the cardinal rules of investment is diversification. If a significant chunk of your net worth is tied up in your company's stock, it might be wise to diversify by investing in other assets. This can protect you from devastating losses if the company's stock takes an unexpected tumble. Many financial advisors suggest not having more than 10-15% of your investments in any single asset, including your company's stock.

4. Leverage Tax Efficiency

As your RSUs vest, they become taxable as regular income, and any gains you make from selling them later on are subject to capital gains taxes. The tax implications can be hefty, so it's crucial to consult with a tax advisor who can help you strategize how to minimize your tax burden. This could involve timing the sale of your RSUs to qualify for long-term capital gains tax rates or using tax-efficient investment accounts.

5. Negotiate for More

Don't underestimate the power of negotiation. If you’re in a position to have a negotiation for your compensation package, consider asking for additional RSUs, especially if you believe strongly in the company’s future. More RSUs upfront means more potential for gains later, assuming the company performs well.

6. Keep an Eye on the Market and Company News

Stay updated with market trends and your company’s performance. If you see the company hitting new milestones or securing significant partnerships, it's often an indicator that the stock will see positive movement. However, remember that stock markets can be volatile and influenced by various factors, so it's essential to remain informed and vigilant.

Re-Imagine Your Financial Future with RSUs

RSUs represent more than just numbers on a screen; they are a piece of a puzzle that could lead you toward becoming a millionaire. A combination of timing, company success, smart decisions, and a bit of luck could transform your RSUs into your ticket to financial freedom.

Your RSUs are not just a perk but a potential future. Leverage them wisely, and you could find yourself in a very comfortable position financially. When the day comes you’re offered these golden tickets, accept that job offer, and embrace these promises of equity stake. Who knows, you might just be the next millionaire that will feature on Forbes’s esteemed list.

Want to know more about RSUs and how they stack up against other equity models you’ve been offered? Feel free to browse Upstock’s learning materials here.

RSUs: The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire?‍ (2024)


Can RSUs make you rich? ›

So, can RSUs make you rich? Yes, they can, but they're not a guaranteed path to wealth. They're a financial tool, and like any tool, their effectiveness depends on how well you use them.

What is the best RSU strategy? ›

That said, the two most commonly recommended strategies are RSU Selling Strategy #1 - Sell Everything and RSU Selling Strategy #2 - Use the 80/20 Rule (for the reasons previously discussed in the article). Because your equity compensation is specific and personal to you, the advice you receive should also be personal.

How to realistically become a millionaire? ›

How To Get Rich
  1. Start saving early.
  2. Avoid unnecessary spending and debt.
  3. Save 15% or more of every paycheck.
  4. Increase the money that you earn.
  5. Resist the desire to spend more as you make more money.
  6. Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.
Apr 11, 2024

How to make money from RSU? ›

Once RSUs are vested, they are treated the same as if you had purchased company shares on the stock market. You can keep the shares or sell them. If you choose to sell, you could reinvest the money, open a savings account or set up a retirement account to enjoy tax-deferred growth.

Are RSUs really worth it? ›

Even if your company stock price falls substantially, your RSUs will most likely always be worth something. If your stock ends up vesting at a lower price, it's less you will have to pay in taxes, and you can continue to hold the shares until the stock price recovers and then diversify at a later date.

Why sell RSUs immediately? ›

Selling RSUs immediately upon vesting is a common approach for many individuals. The reason behind this strategy is to avoid any potential decline in the company's stock value. By selling right away, you can lock in the value of your shares and mitigate potential risks tied to stock market fluctuations.

Why are my RSUs taxed at 40%? ›

Before the vested shares are actually deposited into a broker account for you by your employer, a certain percentage of your RSU compensation will be withheld for tax purposes. Similarly to a cash bonus, typically about 40% will be withheld for federal, state, local, social security, and medicare taxes.

Are RSUs taxed twice? ›

In some cases, your RSUs may be taxed twice. The good news is that you will not owe taxes on your RSUs right away at grant. They do not have any real value until they vest, which can be years down the road depending on the company you work for and if they are public or private.

What is the 30 day rule for RSU? ›

Generally, if sale occurs within 30 days of taxable event for RS/RSU, sale will be considered relevant taxable event and sale price will be used in determining the taxable amount, with no additional gain/loss on the sale.

How to be a millionaire in 5 years? ›

Here are seven proven steps to get you wealthy in five years:
  1. Build your financial literacy skills. ...
  2. Take control of your finances. ...
  3. Get in the wealthy mindset. ...
  4. Create a budget and live within your means. ...
  5. Step 5: Save to invest. ...
  6. Create multiple income sources. ...
  7. Surround yourself with other wealthy people.
Mar 21, 2024

How to be a millionaire in 1 year? ›

“Beyond entrepreneurship, no conventional career path — even medicine, law, or engineering — generates a million-dollar income for a newcomer in only a year.” So, aside from a lucky crypto investment or a windfall of some sort, Kellzi said becoming a millionaire is highly improbable.

What technically makes you a millionaire? ›

What Is a Millionaire? A millionaire is somebody with a net worth of at least $1 million. It's a simple math formula based on your net worth. When what you own (your assets) minus what you owe (your liabilities) equals more than a million dollars, you're a millionaire.

What is the best strategy for RSU? ›

Strategy 1 — Sell 100% when it vests.

RSUs are fully taxed upon vesting. Selling everything once it vests assure you enough money to pay your taxes. You can put all the money to use, be it paying debts, buying a new house, investing, etc. It will lower the danger of holding an excessive amount of company shares.

How can I take advantage of RSU? ›

RSUs vest over a predetermined period based on a vesting schedule and/or other performance milestones. Once you achieve those key events, you have access to the stock, which you can then hold or sell. RSU vesting schedules are critical to understand, but each company structures them differently.

What is a good RSU offer? ›

A good RSU offer is one that should incentivize you to put your best foot forward. One of the primary purposes of offering employees company equity is to encourage them to feel as though they have a stake in the company.

Can RSU increase in value? ›

The value of the units will fluctuate between the time your company offers your RSUs and the time they vest. Should the price of the stock increase, the total value of your restricted stock units goes up, too.

Is it better to take RSU or cash? ›

Cash will typically be paid in one period and taxed in that one period. RSUs will be taxed at their value when they vest. If the stock can be sold immediately and if you believe the stock will have healthy appreciation, it would make sense to take RSUs.

Is it bad to sell RSUs at a loss? ›

RSUs are one of multiple forms of equity compensation, which can also include stock options or other incentives tied to company performance. A common rule of thumb for these investments is not to sell them at a loss, as this can lead to a loss of principal.

Can RSUs be considered income? ›

Restricted stock units are considered income once vested, and a portion of the shares is withheld to pay income taxes. The employee then receives the remaining shares and has the right to sell them.


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