Wyverns! (How to get Best Eggs) (2024)

On 3/18/2022 at 1:28 PM, Nka19 said:

I have 190 wyvern flying around, I've built many traps, I even LOCKED him inside his nest with behemoth gates, but as soon as I fly away he gets out of any structured trap.

You can't ever permanently trap a (fast) moving creature in a player made structure, when you leave render range and come back they will almost always glitch out of the building/pen/trap. This is because ARK renders in the animals before it renders in the structures, which means the dino is already moving before the walls/gates/etc. get rendered in.

If an animal is just sitting still when you get into render range, or if it's a slow mover like an anky, it will stay in the trap as it renders in, but if the creature is moving they will quite often move before the structures can render in. The bigger and faster moving that the animal is the more this is true.

On 3/18/2022 at 1:28 PM, Nka19 said:

I tried building beds in nerby nest and porting away and back, that worked he stayed inside the nest with behemoth gates, but for whatever reason he never spawns any egg in a nest.

[ Edit - my assessment of the mechanics of egg spawns given here is incorrect. Before you reply scroll down to the response by invincibleqc where he gives the right answers ]

Just because the wyvern landed on a nest doesn't mean that it's the wyvern that belongs to that nest. The nests own the wyverns, the wyverns don't own the nest. You've probably noticed that at any given moment in time there are more wyverns than there are nests, which means that some of the wyverns you see in the area will never have an egg. There are also more nests than there are eggs at any given moment, each map/zone has a max on the number of eggs that will spawn in nests an it won't spawn new ones until old ones are gone.

The game pretty much works like this:

1 ) Server "decides" that it's ready to spawn a new egg

2 ) Server picks an empty nest, it randomly rolls for the level of the egg, then it spawns in the egg and spawns in a wyvern with matching level nearby. The wyvern will not necessarily be in the nest. I've watched this in my private server using god mode and invisible, and quite often the wyvern will spawn into the air, already flying.

3 ) Any other wyverns that are in the area have nothing to to with the nest. They can fly past it, land in it, fight you near it, but none of that matters. There is only one wyvern that is connected to that nest no matter how many others are in the area.

4 ) If you kill the wyvern connected with that nest (or if you kite it away to a large distance causing it to despawn) the egg will still stay there for a long time. I don't know what that exact time is but I've personally picked them up from a nest at least 2 hours after the wyvern was dead/gone.

5 ) Eggs also have a buggy problem that they will sometimes seem to stay in the nest for a long, long time, until a player tries to pick them up, at which point the egg disappears rather than going into your inventory. I call these "ghost eggs", I'm not sure if they have a more common name among other players. I've personally had multiple occasions where I picked up three ghost eggs in a row, all of different levels, from the same nest, as if they were stacked inside of each other, only to walk away empty handed, none of them were real.

This makes it even more difficult to know how long a usable egg will stay in a nest because so many of them are actually ghost eggs.

6 ) Eventually one of two things will happen - a player will come along and pick up the egg or it will despawn at some time after the wyvern is gone.

7 ) if a player picks up an egg and manages to escape without killing the wyvern or kiting it too far from the nest, the server will often/usually replace the old egg with a new one of the same level - but not always, sometimes the nest just sits there useless. On our server we've had nests that stayed empty for days until eventually we kited the wyvern far enough away force it to despawn, and then the nest would get a new egg/wyvern. On the other hand, we've had nests that gave us multiple eggs of the same level (and the exact same colors) because we were able to keep the "parent" wyvern in the area by making sure we didn't kite it too far away. So maybe you'll get multiple eggs from the same nest+wyvern, maybe not, you just have to try it.

8 ) Any time that the egg + wyvern have both been looted/killed/despawned/picked up, the server picks a new nest to spawn a new egg + wyvern (sometimes it's the same nest, but usually it's a different one) and the process starts over.

On 3/18/2022 at 1:28 PM, Nka19 said:

I removed all structures now as I heard they block spawns

Pillars block animal spawns. Foundations block both animals and resources. I don't remember whether fence foundations block anything by themselves or only if they have other structures attached to them. You can learn more about this specific game mechanic on the wiki if you want more detailed information.

On 3/18/2022 at 1:28 PM, Nka19 said:

but for whatever reason he never spawns any egg in a nest.

My guess would be that this is not the wyvern connected with that nest, there will probably never be an egg associated with that wyvern.

On 3/18/2022 at 1:28 PM, Nka19 said:

-Keep killing all low levels until high lvl spawns

-If no egg in a nest naturally and wyvern has good stats (I check them with spyglass mod), I want to lure them to nests to spawn one (but this is a PAIN)

There really is only one strategy - keep picking up eggs until the game spawns in a level of egg that you want, and of course killing or kiting away any low level wyverns just to make sure that they're not connected to any nests.

As you know, wyverns have a long aggro range and will follow you far across the map, so if you do find a high level egg in a nest try to escape without pulling the wyvern too far from it's nest. If the terrain near the nest is complicated enough and you stay low to the ground you can zig-zag around until you lose aggro while keeping the wyvern near enough to the nest that more eggs will spawn, or if possible have a tribe mate kite them back near the nest.

An alternative tactic is to use a pteranodon that you don't mind getting killed, fly a short distance away from the nest and let the wyvern kill you. When you die the wyvern will usually go back to its nest. Then you can respawn without any aggro, go back and pick up the egg. Obviously this works best if you have a small base nearby with some extra pteranodons and a bed to respawn. Sometimes dying is the best strategy in ARK. Wyverns! (How to get Best Eggs) (1)

Good luck and happy egg hunting.

Wyverns! (How to get Best Eggs) (2024)


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