Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (2024)

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Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (1)

Rifat Farazi 36Reputation points


My laptop model is Asus x507UF and OS is windows 10.
when is press sleep from start menu it goes to sleep but after a few second it automatically waking up without any interaction.
what can i do now?

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  1. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (2)

    Jenny Feng 14,096Reputation points


    @Rifat Farazi

    Just checking in to see if the information provided was helpful.

    If the reply helped you, please remember to accept as answer.
    If no, please reply and tell us the current situation in order to provide further help.

  2. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (3)

    Bradley Rhodes 11Reputation points


    "To keep your computer from waking up in sleep mode, go to Power & Sleep Settings. Then click Additional power settings > Change plan settings > Change advanced power settings and disable Allow wake timers under Sleep."


  3. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (4)

    Shary 1Reputation point


    I can run all those commands and I can see when my pc was awakened but that doesn't fix anything. My graphics card is fine. When I took all the apps out of the start window-- that is open when it auto-wakes-- it now wakes with start sidebar open instead, every time. My power settings are set to not allow wake timers, yet it wakes, even with my mouse turned off.

    What did you guys do in the recent upgrade to cause this because i did nothing and have done everything I can find to stop it and nothing works -- so it's a win 10 thing now? Seemed to have started from irrelevant MS news, etc., that MS added without my consent in the last upgrade, that I'm not interested in and also had to figure out how to get rid of as well.

  4. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (5)

    Ash*takaSan 46Reputation points


    There is a good chance that your PC's Network Adapter is waking it. This is a Power & Sleep issue.

    You may disable this ability by locating your PC's Network Adapter in Device Manager and opening the Properties window. Then, click the Power Management tab and uncheck the box for "Allow this device to wake the computer".

    Anytime I have personally encountered this issue, the above has been a permanent solution

  5. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (6)

    Bruno H 6Reputation points


    My case was this one,
    If you still need WOL(magic packet) feature, you can just disable Wake on Pattern Match on Advanced tab or Enable Only allow a magic packet to wake the computer on Power Management tab were solution.

  6. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (7)

    silentman 1Reputation point


    Hi. I used to face the same problem. In my case it was the live tiles on the start menu. You can try removing all the live tiles and then check. It should solve the issue.

  7. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (8)

    Andrew Bustraan 6Reputation points


    I actually found it out by pure fluke. It's a new Dell Precision Laptop and I just happened to open the Precision Optimization app (which I never use, turn off all notifications, etc.).

    Discovered Dell has added a proximity sensor. Turned it off and voila, no more waking up the screen.

    Thanks to all the suggestions and responses.

  8. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (9)

    Daniel Goggia 1Reputation point


    Hey, that is great news, who knew thermostat in my new house does night for a time when walking by it would light up and make me jump....rofl, got to love tech.....will keep this experience of yours in mind for future data, thank you for letting everyone know.

  9. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (10)

    Adam W Edwards 1Reputation point


    I am having the same or similar issue. I am in device manager, but am not sure which properties menu or window I should be in to test this fix on my system. Whenever I hit sleep my laptop will go to sleep, but instantly come back on and up to the log in window. Is this what you were seeing? Which network item/line are you changing the properties on??

  10. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (11)

    Phemios 1Reputation point


    Why is this so incredibly complicated? Why can't I just click sleep on the surface pro TABLET to turn it off until further notice? Why is this waking me up in the middle of the night? Who's the genius that designed it this way?

  11. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (12)

    Daniel Davis 1Reputation point


    The box to allow the network adaptor to wake the computer is not checked, but my PC still keeps waking up. Sometimes it wakes after several seconds, and sometimes it doesn't even go to sleep/

  12. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (13)

    Washington Carigé 1Reputation point


    Man just watch this video. This guy saved my life
    None of these forums really could help me. In my case the power cable solution was what makes the deal.

  13. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (14)

    David Sculfor 1Reputation point


    Brilliant answer, worked perfectly. The only thing I would add is that the network adapter that was the culprit had "allow this device to wake the computer" ticked but greyed out. To uncheck it I first had to tick "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"

  14. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (15)

    Jesús Iniesta 1Reputation point


    In my case, this was related to Modern Standby, a feature aimed to make laptops work like smartphones, where sleep mode keeps certain functions of the device operative.
    The solution was to disable Modern Standby, so sleep does force the laptop to sleep instead of keeping it in a mid-way state.
    I faced this issue in two laptops: Dell XPS 13 9310 and MSI E16 A12

  15. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (16)

    Big G 1Reputation point


    You are amazing, after trying everything and pulling my hair out with nothing else under the sun working (also I had no clue where to look since wake source was listed as 'unknown'). This did the trick for me too!

  16. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (17)

    Michael O'Brien 0Reputation points


    I've had this same problem and followed the many suggestions without success in preventing my Windows 10 laptop from waking almost immediately after putting it to sleep. Then I noticed my wireless mouse (USB dongle) was sluggish so I changed the batteries. Voila - the problem appears to be fixed. That's great if it lasts overnight, but I hate to think of all the settings I've changed. Mike O'Brien

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13 answers

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  1. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (18)

    Jenny Feng 14,096Reputation points


    @Rifat Farazi
    You could search Windows’ Event Viewer for information:
    Click the Start menu, search for Event Viewer, and launch the tool. In the sidebar, head to Windows Logs > System, then click the Filter Current Log button on the right side of the window. Choose Power-Troubleshooter from the Event Sources drop-down menu and click OK to see all the times your computer woke up recently and what caused them.
    To stop a device from waking your Windows 10 computer up from sleep mode, open the Device Manager and double-click a device. Then click the Power Management tab and untick the box next to Allow this device to wake up the computer.

    1. First, type powercfg -devicequery wake_armed into the Command Prompt. This will tell you which devices are causing your Windows 10 computer to wake up.
      2.Then press the Windows key + R on your keyboard.
      3.Next, type devmgmt.msc into the search bar and click OK.
      4.Select the device that’s causing your computer to wake up and double-click it. This will open up the device’s properties.
      5.Then click the Power Management
      6.Finally, untick Allow this device to wake up the computer and click OK.

    Hope above information can help you.


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    1. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (19)

      Mohammed Farhad Hussain 1Reputation point


      This worked perfectly, thanks! The only issue now is I can't wake up my computer by pressing a key anymore, i have to press the power button, which is a fair trade off.

    2. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (20)

      Erin Gaydos 1Reputation point


      I have tried all kinds of advice and this finally worked. In my case, it was the mouse waking the PC from sleep every five minutes, and in this case, only one of the mouse drivers, So disabling the wake function still allows me to wake the PC using the active mouse device. Thank you.

    3. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (21)

      David 1Reputation point


      Awesome tip. Did the job! Thanks a lot

    4. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (22)

      metafaniel 1Reputation point


      I've just signed up to upvote your answer, thanks! In my case, the Event Viewer Power-Troubleshooter logs were stating just "Wake Source: Unknown " as the culprit... But following the steps above lead me to the network adapter: "Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller". Thank you once again. Greetings.

    5. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (23)

      Douglas Youens 1Reputation point


      After trying several other remedies, your solution seems to have kept my Win 10 PC from waking up every 20-30 minutes. In checking the Event Log, as you suggested, I could see that the device: Intel (R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller-1.0 (Microsoft) was waking my PC up. I took the simplest course of action and turned off the Bluetooth function on my PC, as I wasn't really using it. Thank you.

    6. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (24)

      Fahad Bin Hussain 16Reputation points


      Thanks a lot for "powercfg -devicequery wake_armed"

    7. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (25)

      Christopher I 0Reputation points


      This solved my issue. Intel(R) Ethernet Connection's "Wake in LAN" options were waking my PC ~10 after entering sleep mode without fail. Disallowing these options corrected this issue.

    8. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (26)

      Miiikaiii 0Reputation points


      Thanks! this helps me and now my anxiety is over. God bless you!

    9. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (27)

      Liam Baker 5Reputation points


      Thankyou! thought my PC had become faulty!

    10. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (28)

      ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ ΣΠΑΝΟΣ 0Reputation points


      This worked perfectly, thanks!

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  2. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (29)

    Dave Patrick 426.4KReputation points MVP


    Some of these may render something useful.

    powercfg /requests
    powercfg /lastwake
    powercfg /sleepstudy
    powercfg /systemsleepdiagnostics
    powercfg /systempowerreport

    --please don't forget to Accept as answer if the reply is helpful--

    1. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (30)

      Jed Wang 6Reputation points


      Very helpful information.
      It helped me to find the culprit casusing my computer exceptional wake up.
      powercfg /lastwake

    2. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (31)

      S Dowiset 11Reputation points


      powercfg /lastwake 

      do the trick for me. It shows what wake my PC up during sleep.

    3. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (32)

      Thiago Silva 1Reputation point


      powercfg /waketimers

      This option did the trick for me... it listed scheduled tasks (HP printer task) that would run during the night and wake up my pc.

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  3. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (33)

    Cell Alpha 11Reputation points


    If your Windows 10 wakes from sleep, you might have a task or application that is waking it automatically. ... Press Windows Key + X to open Win + X menu and choose Command Prompt (Admin) from the list. Now enter powercfg /waketimers in Command Prompt. Now you should see the list of apps that can wake up your PC.

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    1. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (34)

      S.Sengupta 16,651Reputation points MVP


      Updating Graphic Card driver generally fixes Sleep/Hibernation issue. Visit the support site of the manufacturer to download and install the latest driver which is compatible with your system and OS.

      1. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (35)

        Steven B 1Reputation point


        That worked for me. Thanks...

      2. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (36)

        Daniel Goggia 1Reputation point


        I have never had updated graphics card drivers fix a sleep problem, most the time I find windows or another program has added or changed something, most the time I have to use the powercfg /requestsoverrides Driver "what ever driver or program here" System It has always been some of these things or the allow wake timers is on somehow, but I see some say graphics card drivers.....just has never been my system problem, but then I run Nvidia geforce and do keep up the drivers most time, go figure

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    2. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (37)

      Dave Waddell 1Reputation point


      For me, this has only just started yesterday. Everything worked perfectly before then.
      PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> powercfg -lastwake
      Wake History Count - 1
      Wake History [0]
      Wake Source Count - 1
      Wake Source [0]
      Type: Device
      Instance Path: PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3432&SUBSYS_34321106&REV_02\4&232efa11&0&0030
      Friendly Name: VIA USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 0.96 (Microsoft)
      Description: USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller
      Manufacturer: Generic USB xHCI Host Controller
      PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> powercfg -devicequery wake_armed
      HID-compliant mouse
      HID Keyboard Device (001)

      I did install a legacy USB driver for a microscope camera (DCM 130 from ScopeTek). There is no way to enable/disable power management on the USB.Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (38)

      1. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (39)

        Dave Waddell 1Reputation point


        Actually, an extra HID Keyboard Device was installed on 12/22/2020 and this had the default tab Power Management with the "Allow this device to wake the computer" ticked. Once I unticked this on the Power Management tab, all is well again. I do not know what process installed this device.
        Device HID\VID_04B4&PID_CFA1\8&3207369c&1&0000 was configured.

        Driver Name: keyboard.inf
        Class Guid: {4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
        Driver Date: 06/21/2006
        Driver Version: 10.0.19041.1
        Driver Provider: Microsoft
        Driver Section: HID_Keyboard_Inst.NT
        Driver Rank: 0xFF1003
        Matching Device Id: HID_DEVICE_SYSTEM_KEYBOARD
        Outranked Drivers: input.inf:HID_DEVICE:00FF1005
        Device Updated: false
        Parent Device: USB\VID_04B4&PID_CFA1\7&1182fc49&0&1

        Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (40)

      2. Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (41)

        Daniel Goggia 1Reputation point


        see maybe if the camera itself has a setting to wake the system if it catches movement, it has to be camera or sound if it wakes from movement in room or sound, maybe put a blocking over camera so it cant see and see if it then does not wake on movement...then try the same with mic......I would look into the settings on the Dell also to see if they have some settings for that, it is intriguing at, let us know what you find, does it have Windows 11 on it?

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    Windows 10 waking up from sleep on its own - Microsoft Q&A (2024)


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