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Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (7) Cloths

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (8) Scrubbers

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (9) Dusters

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (10) Mops

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (11)

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (12) Bundles

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (13) All Products

Home Cleaning 8 PC Set: How to Use Each Cloth

Home Cleaning 8 PC Set: How to Use Each Cloth

Home Cleaning 8 PC Set: How to Use Each Cloth

Home Cleaning 8 PC Set: How to Use Each Cloth

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (14)

This set will clean everything and the kitchen sink.

Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set features seven distinct specialty cloths, each designed for specific tasks and surfaces in mind. These cloths can clean, dust, and polish your whole home by adding water alone.

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (15)

This set will clean everything and the kitchen sink.

Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set features seven distinct specialty cloths, each designed for specific tasks and surfaces in mind. These cloths can clean, dust, and polish your whole home by adding water alone.

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (16)

This set will clean everything and the kitchen sink.

Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set features seven distinct specialty cloths, each designed for specific tasks and surfaces in mind. These cloths can clean, dust, and polish your whole home by adding water alone.

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (17)

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (18)

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (19)

Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set contains the ultimate cleaning tools for those who are serious about cleaning up their cleaning routine.

Wondering which cloth to use for your oven? Curious about what to use on the tub? Read on to see how the Home Cleaning 8 PC Set can clean every nook and all the crannies.

Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set contains the ultimate cleaning tools for those who are serious about cleaning up their cleaning routine.

Wondering which cloth to use for your oven? Curious about what to use on the tub? Read on to see how the Home Cleaning 8 PC Set can clean every nook and all the crannies.

Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set contains the ultimate cleaning tools for those who are serious about cleaning up their cleaning routine.

Wondering which cloth to use for your oven? Curious about what to use on the tub? Read on to see how the Home Cleaning 8 PC Set can clean every nook and all the crannies.

Find the tag

We designed our cloths with a comprehensive understanding of the most common – and uncommon – surfaces that need to be cleaned. The unique weave and fiber construction were purposefully engineered so you can be sure that the cloth is up to the task.

When in doubt, find the tag.

Most of our cloths have a blue tag stitched into one corner of the cloth. This isn’t your ordinary brand tag, though – it contains the cloth’s name, so you can always know the task and surface the cloth is designed to clean.

Our Glass & Polishing Cloths (this set has two of them) don’t have tags, but they do contain the E-Cloth logo embossed in the bottom right-hand corner of the cloth.

Always remember: First, find the tag. Then, choose your fighter.

Choose your grime fighter

Not all E-Cloth products were created equally! Some clean, some dust, some polish. Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set contains all of the above, so follow this guide to choose the best cloth for the job!

Kitchen Cloth

This teal cloth has all the cleaning power of our standard cloths, plus an extra special scrubbing corner, great for removing stuck-on grime from messy countertops and cleaning out the back of the kitchen cabinet.

Stainless Steel Cloth

This gray cloth is tough as nails but won’t scratch your stainless steel appliances. It’s specially designed for cleaning both brushed AND polished stainless steel. Use the cloth’s smooth side for polished stainless, and the striped side for brushed stainless.

Range & Stovetop Cloth

This cloth has a wide range of uses, but it performs best on a stovetop, range, and other parts of the oven. Its blue scrubbing stripes are the best defense against stuck-on grime and cooking spills. Just make sure to let your stovetop cool before use.

Bathroom Cloth

This bright yellow cloth is ultra thick and super absorbent. It’s perfect for cleaning up around the shower, in the tub, the bathroom sink, and even around the toilet.

Window Cloth

This waffle-weave cloth is unique, and not just because of its texture. The light blue cloth makes light work of cleaning all types of windows, glass, and mirrors, including windowsills and frames.

Dusting Cloth

This yellow, fluffy cloth will make dusting your picture frames and book shelves easy. It picks up and holds dust within its fibers, no sprays or old gym socks required. It’s great to keep handy for wherever dust is found.

Glass & Polishing Cloth
(Hint: There’s two in this set!)

We might’ve saved the best for last. These thin, rectangular cloths are so widely used, we had to include two in this set. They’re most commonly used dry after cleaning with any of the other cloths, and they’re a dream at leaving the surface shiny, streak-free, and sparkling.

Clean, dust, and shine!

Now that you know which cloth is best for which task, it’s time to put them to work! Take your cleaning set for a spin around your house, and don’t forget to rinse and wash as needed.

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (20)

Quick tip

Bathroom cleaning can get messy really quickly, so we recommend starting with the least grimy parts of your bathroom and working your way through the room, ending with the toilet area. And if you use the Bathroom Cloth to clean your toilet, please wash the cloth ASAP!

Find the tag

We designed our cloths with a comprehensive understanding of the most common – and uncommon – surfaces that need to be cleaned. The unique weave and fiber construction were purposefully engineered so you can be sure that the cloth is up to the task.

When in doubt, find the tag.

Most of our cloths have a blue tag stitched into one corner of the cloth. This isn’t your ordinary brand tag, though – it contains the cloth’s name, so you can always know the task and surface the cloth is designed to clean.

Our Glass & Polishing Cloths (this set has two of them) don’t have tags, but they do contain the E-Cloth logo embossed in the bottom right-hand corner of the cloth.

Always remember: First, find the tag. Then, choose your fighter.

Find the tag

We designed our cloths with a comprehensive understanding of the most common – and uncommon – surfaces that need to be cleaned. The unique weave and fiber construction were purposefully engineered so you can be sure that the cloth is up to the task.

When in doubt, find the tag.

Most of our cloths have a blue tag stitched into one corner of the cloth. This isn’t your ordinary brand tag, though – it contains the cloth’s name, so you can always know the task and surface the cloth is designed to clean.

Our Glass & Polishing Cloths (this set has two of them) don’t have tags, but they do contain the E-Cloth logo embossed in the bottom right-hand corner of the cloth.

Always remember: First, find the tag. Then, choose your fighter.

Choose your grime fighter

Not all E-Cloth products were created equally! Some clean, some dust, some polish. Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set contains all of the above, so follow this guide to choose the best cloth for the job!

Kitchen Cloth

This teal cloth has all the cleaning power of our standard cloths, plus an extra special scrubbing corner, great for removing stuck-on grime from messy countertops and cleaning out the back of the kitchen cabinet.

Stainless Steel Cloth

This gray cloth is tough as nails but won’t scratch your stainless steel appliances. It’s specially designed for cleaning both brushed AND polished stainless steel. Use the cloth’s smooth side for polished stainless, and the striped side for brushed stainless.

Range & Stovetop Cloth

This cloth has a wide range of uses, but it performs best on a stovetop, range, and other parts of the oven. Its blue scrubbing stripes are the best defense against stuck-on grime and cooking spills. Just make sure to let your stovetop cool before use.

Bathroom Cloth

This bright yellow cloth is ultra thick and super absorbent. It’s perfect for cleaning up around the shower, in the tub, the bathroom sink, and even around the toilet.

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (21)

Choose your grime fighter

Not all E-Cloth products were created equally! Some clean, some dust, some polish. Our Home Cleaning 8 PC Set contains all of the above, so follow this guide to choose the best cloth for the job!

Quick tip

Bathroom cleaning can get messy really quickly, so we recommend starting with the least grimy parts of your bathroom and working your way through the room, ending with the toilet area. And if you use the Bathroom Cloth to clean your toilet, please wash the cloth ASAP!

Window Cloth

This waffle-weave cloth is unique, and not just because of its texture. The light blue cloth makes light work of cleaning all types of windows, glass, and mirrors, including windowsills and frames.

Dusting Cloth

This yellow, fluffy cloth will make dusting your picture frames and book shelves easy. It picks up and holds dust within its fibers, no sprays or old gym socks required. It’s great to keep handy for wherever dust is found.

Glass & Polishing Cloth
(Hint: There’s two in this set!)

We might’ve saved the best for last. These thin, rectangular cloths are so widely used, we had to include two in this set. They’re most commonly used dry after cleaning with any of the other cloths, and they’re a dream at leaving the surface shiny, streak-free, and sparkling.

Kitchen Cloth

This teal cloth has all the cleaning power of our standard cloths, plus an extra special scrubbing corner, great for removing stuck-on grime from messy countertops and cleaning out the back of the kitchen cabinet.

Stainless Steel Cloth

This gray cloth is tough as nails but won’t scratch your stainless steel appliances. It’s specially designed for cleaning both brushed AND polished stainless steel. Use the cloth’s smooth side for polished stainless, and the striped side for brushed stainless.

Range & Stovetop Cloth

This cloth has a wide range of uses, but it performs best on a stovetop, range, and other parts of the oven. Its blue scrubbing stripes are the best defense against stuck-on grime and cooking spills. Just make sure to let your stovetop cool before use.

Bathroom Cloth

This bright yellow cloth is ultra thick and super absorbent. It’s perfect for cleaning up around the shower, in the tub, the bathroom sink, and even around the toilet.

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (22)

Quick tip

Bathroom cleaning can get messy really quickly, so we recommend starting with the least grimy parts of your bathroom and working your way through the room, ending with the toilet area. And if you use the Bathroom Cloth to clean your toilet, please wash the cloth ASAP!

Window Cloth

This waffle-weave cloth is unique, and not just because of its texture. The light blue cloth makes light work of cleaning all types of windows, glass, and mirrors, including windowsills and frames.

Dusting Cloth

This yellow, fluffy cloth will make dusting your picture frames and book shelves easy. It picks up and holds dust within its fibers, no sprays or old gym socks required. It’s great to keep handy for wherever dust is found.

Glass & Polishing Cloth
(Hint: There’s two in this set!)

We might’ve saved the best for last. These thin, rectangular cloths are so widely used, we had to include two in this set. They’re most commonly used dry after cleaning with any of the other cloths, and they’re a dream at leaving the surface shiny, streak-free, and sparkling.

Clean, dust, and shine!

Now that you know which cloth is best for which task, it’s time to put them to work! Take your cleaning set for a spin around your house, and don’t forget to rinse and wash as needed.

Clean, dust, and shine!

Now that you know which cloth is best for which task, it’s time to put them to work! Take your cleaning set for a spin around your house, and don’t forget to rinse and wash as needed.

Return to Knowledge Base

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (23)

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Home Cleaning 8 PC Set


Kitchen Cloth


Stainless Steel Cloth


Range & Stovetop Cloth


Bathroom Cleaning 2-Pack


Glass & Polishing Cloth


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Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (30)

Shop this story

Home Cleaning 8 PC Set


Kitchen Cloth


Stainless Steel Cloth


Range & Stovetop Cloth


Bathroom Cleaning 2-Pack


Glass & Polishing Cloth


Return to Knowledge Base

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (37)

Shop this story

Home Cleaning 8 PC Set


Kitchen Cloth


Stainless Steel Cloth


Range & Stovetop Cloth


Bathroom Cleaning 2-Pack


Glass & Polishing Cloth


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Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (44)

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (45)

Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (46)


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Which E-Cloth Do I Use | E-Cloth Knowledge Base (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 6297

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.